Feeling out of control
with food.
Disordered eating can take many forms. Our society unfortunately tends to associate eating disorders with bodies that are thin-and usually female. This means that people who are struggling often don't get help. Any person in any body shape can experience difficult relationships with food that can take over their lives.
If you have experienced:
developing a secret life around food
eating in private, or before attending social events
making attempts to hide foods you have eaten
fear of eating in front of others or changing the foods you eat in social settings
frequently eat past the point of fullness, causing discomfort or shame
"binge" episodes where you eat large amounts of food in a short period
labeling foods as "good" or "bad" and feel "good" or "bad" about yourself based on eating these foods
feeling like you can't stop eating or "numb out" while eating
obsessive thoughts about food
feeling compelled to "work off" foods, punishing yourself with exercise or restriction
self-abusive thoughts related to food or body (harsh inner critic)
feeling anxious around certain foods
serial dieting or "yo-yo" dieting
intentional weight gain as a way to avoid physical contact or sexual interest from others
throwing away or tampering with foods to prevent yourself from eating them
emotional eating or using food as a way to cope with difficult emotions
relief is possible. A more balanced relationship with food is possible. A life not centered around food is possible.
I believe in the body’s ability to heal and love helping my clients connect to their bodies in a safe, self-led way. My approach enables individuals to develop increased self-compassion, pleasure-seeking, and balance. I operate using principles from the Health At Every Size® (HAES®) approach and provide a supportive environment for learning to trust your body, developing skills for intuitive eating, joyful movement, and being real with yourself about behaviors around food.
Together we can help you learn to listen to your body, without feeling out of control.
Difficult feelings about the body.
Body Image issues rob us of joy and prevent us from leading the lives we want to live.
I help people who want to feel better in their bodies, but don’t know how.
If you are experiencing:
avoidance of pleasurable activities (pool, beach, physical activities) due to discomfort with your body
avoidance of dating or physical intimacy due to concerns about your body
unfulfilling sexual experiences due to focusing on your body's appearance rather than pleasure
constantly thinking your life would be better if your body was different
avoidance of medical care for fear of being shamed about your body
self-hate, self-loathing, or self-abusive thoughts related to your body
relief is possible. If you are stuck in "I'll be happy when..." thinking about your weight or physical appearance, consider how much happiness you have been missing in the meantime.
I believe we are all worthy of pleasure and acceptance. My approach enables individuals to develop skills for self-compassion, reduce internalized body stigma, and to explore concepts related to pleasure-seeking and joyful movement.
What changes could happen in your life if you felt more comfortable in your own skin?